Medreps and the Covid-19 Pandemic

The year 2020 was supposed to be a year of optimism for the Philippine pharmaceutical industry. Planning managers from Multinational and local companies painted a bright future for the industry and every strategy was laid down to the sales force during their respective national business conferences. Then Covid-19 happened.

As we continue to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, we also must deal with other diseases that cannot be ignored, like diabetes and heart disease. And doctors still feel the need to stay informed by pharma companies, when it comes to their choice of treatment.

During the lockdown, pharmaceutical companies are those among the few essential industries that are allowed to operate. Sure, deliveries of medical products were not hampered by the pandemic, and sales operations were done by phone and electronic means. But what about promotions?

With the majority of the personnel in sales and face to face interaction were limited, how did pharma companies reached the eyes and ears of their intended customers?

Here are some official and unofficial activities Medreps did during lockdown:

Text Messages - Sure it seems rude and unprofessional, but it is also the cheapest means to get your message across. Whatever way you look at it, and even in the guise of a friendly message, promoting via text message, or even reminding them about your products, only reserve to those who developed a real friendship with their clients.

Phone Calls - The same with text messages, but at least, phone calls are way better than promoting your products via text messages. Yet, the same with text messages, phone calls are reserved for people with established friendships. 

Video Conferencing - Product managers from MNC loved these. It uses technology to promote your brands in the guise of a CME (continuing medical education). Of course, food is delivered to the doctor's house or office, and professional fees are paid to the top specialist speaker.

Food deliveries - Medreps had been doing food deliveries like, since forever. But now, they get the services of a food delivery service provider. Even though there are no brand stickers on the food packaging, there will always be a "THANK YOU TO FRONTLINERS" caption then the company logo.

Servicing - This is reserved for those few brave and bold Medreps. Yung mga walang takot sa Covid-19.

Groceries - Because doctors had no time getting groceries on their own, especially if they are on duty, and some Medreps are willing to go the extra mile. But Medreps don't need to do this on their own, there are a lot of delivery services out there that do this for you. 

Pharmacy Visits - What can you do if you can't visit the doctors? Pharmacy visits had become crucial during the lockdown because it allows you to determine how doctors prescribe. It also ensures that stocks are ordered and replenished. 

These are just a few of the things Medrep did and are still doing. Did you do anything special to communicate your brands? How different will be our industry many months from now? What changes do you think will affect our industry? What permanent shifts will we see in the future?