5 legit side jobs a medrep can earn extra money without sacrificing their main job

The job of a medical representative is complex enough, demanding much of your time and effort to succeed, especially if you're just starting. But once you get the hang of it and you finally have your rhythm, you'll be able to get the most of your job with minimal effort. That is working smart, not hard. And your salary plus your incentives will be able to sustain your lifestyle.

But what if the salary and the incentives are not enough? Great if you're single and you only have to worry about yourself. But what if you are starting a family or have to support family members? You just can't rely on salary loans because you have to pay it back eventually.

Fortunately, Medreps are really smart! There are several ways for a Medrep to earn extra cash without resorting to selling his samples, which by the way, is illegal, and can get your fired. So, huwag mo na isipin mag-salya ng samples!

Without further ado, here is the list of side jobs a medrep can do to earn extra money without sacrificing his or her main job:

Online Selling - Selling online is now virtually free! You can sell via facebook and sell stuff to your friends. You can also sign up and create an account with Shopee.ph and offer your customers free shipping and cash-on-delivery options. There's also OLX.ph which is also a platform to sell second-hand items. But what to sell? Look around your house, there may be a goldmine hiding there! Are there any unutilized items that you think people will pay to buy? I once sold an old baby carriage to a young couple. If you have talents or hobbies such as creating items like fancy jewellery, bags, clothes, etc., you can profit with that by selling it online.

Teach English - If you can spare four hours of your time each day, you can be a part-time English language teacher and teach Chinese, Japanese or Korean kids! There are several platforms out there, such as 51Talk, Acadsoc, NativeCamp, Bizmates and several other companies, with the pay ranging from about $2 to $4 per hour. That's as high as P800.00 per day or P16,000.00 per month for 20-day work per month!

Earn from your talent - Do you know photoshop or know how to code website and apps? Then there's Freelance, Fiverr or Upwork for you! Just create a profile and list your talents to start, and if you are hired to do a job, you can do it on your spare time and earn from it!

Start a business at home - If you have somebody in your household, like your wife, siblings or parents, that can help run the day-to-day operations, then, by all means, start a business. You can start a small business right from your own homes, such as a sari-sari store or a food cart.

Rent out your stuff - People will rent items they themselves don't want to buy. If you have videoke machines, LED projectors, sound system, a passenger van, extra bedroom (via AirBnB) or hell, even your internet (via a vending machine), you can rent it out and earn from it!

Become a Tutor - Medreps are smart people. And can handle people really well regardless of age, even kids! Even though you did not take education in college doesn't mean you cannot tutor kids. How hard could it be? You only need to stick to the books and the lessons provided by the teachers, break it down and make sure the kids understand it. Then give him a quiz to verify understanding, then voila!

There are a lot of "jobs" that you can do and there are a lot of platforms out there (eg. network marketing, putting up a business, etc.) but I have not included the side jobs that can potentially get you out of focus from your main job. After all, these jobs should only serve to augment your income and your primary focus should be your job as a Medical Representative.