We bought our pass via Klook (get your tickets here!), and each pass cost Php 990.00. When you register, you will be given the iconic yellow shirt, which you can alter creatively. You'll also get a baller bracelet, a shot glass and coupons for your 10 free shots. The coupons are colour-coded which means for each colour, you can use it to a specific club. And for pub crawlers, each club offers you promos and discounts so can drink as much as you want.
The group first assembled at the Epic bar where the rules and guides are laid out by the party captains. When you drink, you need to hold somebody's shoulder. This means that you should never, ever drink alone. If you are caught drinking without holding somebody's shoulder, then you will be asked by the group to drink your beer bottoms up!. At Epic Bar, we claimed our free shots and ordered beers to start the beach party.
The bar hopping officially started when the captains asked us to finish all our drinks and move to the beach area for the mandatory group photos. During the course of the evening, we were able to make friends with locals from Cebu, Manila, Davao, Germany, South Africa and South Korea. Everybody is so fun and welcoming, we truly did have the best night. Boracay Pubcrawl really lived up to its catchphrase: turning strangers into friends, and for a short period of time, we felt that we were really having the best night with best friends.