Change your Facebook and Instagram passwords now!

MANILA, Philippines - Facebook has committed another security nightmare. Facebook confirmed yesterday, March 21, that millions and millions of passwords were compromised as the social media giant had all our passwords stored in its servers were not encrypted. In fact, the passwords were stored just as it is, plain text.

Usually, passwords are stored and automatically encrypted so as they are not easily compromised by hackers. But a bug in Facebook's password management systems caused hundreds of millions of passwords for Facebook, Facebook Light, and Instagram to be stored in text and criminals can easily search through the server and get access to your social media accounts.

Facebook has already corrected the system and has notified its users to immediately change their passwords. To change your passwords using a desktop computer, go to SETTINGS, then to SECURITY and LOGIN, and CHANGE PASSWORD. For mobile devices, go to SETTINGS & PRIVACY, then SETTINGS, then to SECURITY and LOGIN, and CHANGE PASSWORD.