Product Review - Zumma, a dietary supplement for men

I finally got my hands on Zumma, the newest brand of supplement for men, that, as they promised, will make my sex life better. I'm no stranger with these kinds of supplements as I used them for "special occasions" but there are supplements for men out there that are giving me a migraine.

Upon closer inspection of the packaging, you can see that the manufacturers did a very good job in ensuring that the product will catch the eye of the potential customers. The logos were embossed for a 3D-like effect, and the box is almost the same size of a condom box.

At the back, you can see the list of primary ingredients, which are mostly plant-based that can supposedly help achieve an erection without side effects.  It contains L-Arginine, Wild Yam Extract, Lycium barbarum Extract, Cistanche Deserticola Extract, and Epimedium Extract. Zumma is categorized as a food supplement, it means that it is not a drug and quite safe for human consumption. Their website provides the reference for scientific evidence for each of the component's benefits:

So, how did I take Zumma? According to the instructions as indicated in the packaging, "take one capsule two hours before the performance, preferably with an empty stomach". I waited for two to three hours, lo and behold! It did work! It also helped that my wife just got out of the shower and was wearing her new set of cheeky undergarments. I was stiff alright. And I can still feel its effects after a day or two. I mean, whenever I think about sex, I can still feel its effects. I know the difference between my regular erection and the "Zumma" erection, so there you go.

And so, based on my personal experience with this product, here are my suggestions:
  1. Take Zumma 2-3 hours before your intended sexcapade, with an empty stomach.
  2. Take your date out for a fancy dinner and let Zumma work its magic.
  3. After dinner, you'll feel it and maybe, your date is expecting it too.
  4. Give your best performance, because trust me, you'll get an encore.
How to buy Zumma?