Premium Promats and the Medrep

From time to time, may mga na-iisip ang ating mga Product Managers na mga gimmicks na sobrang rare and very limited lang ang allocation. And hindi maiiwasan na kahit papano ay mag tabi tayo ng para sa atin. We are proud to belong with our company that is why we proudly display or use any promotional materials that they produce.

Promotional materials or merchandise are defined as products branded with a logo and a slogan which are distributed to target customers to promote a brand or corporate identity. The costs of this swags or freebies range from minimal to no cost and sometimes premium costs.

Promotional materials that minimally costs are paper products, pens, office materials, etc. Premium promotional materials, on the other hand, are very limited and sometimes, the recipients are identified in advance. Some premium items such as sthetoscopes and BP apparatus, patient educational materials, car accessories, are distributed selectively.

So my suggestion to the Product Managers is allocate some to your Medical Representatives para hindi na sila pumipitik sa allocation nila! That way, they can enjoy this perk and so that they can proud showing it off to other people.