How frequent sex can be beneficial to you and your partner

Sex is a wonderful thing. It connects both men and women deeply across their physical, emotional, and some say spiritual levels. Sex provide your body with several benefits the same ways as exercise, such as boosting your heart's health, immunity and lowering blood pressure. But the key here is to have sex as often as possible.

More sex may mean fewer sick days for you and your partner. There are several studies about comparing couples with frequent sex and those with fewer sexual intercourse. Couples with regular sex (at least once per week) can boost your health and wellbeing.

Sex is a form of exercise, and there are a lot of studies linking exercise with improving your health. According to the American Heart Association, sexual activity is equivalent to moderate physical activities like brisk walking. The movements during sex can help tone abdominal and pelvic muscles and can burn approximately 200 calories every 30 minutes of sex.

Frequent sexual intercourse can have some great effects on a man's semen quality. Semen health was found to be best if it is replenished in less than ten days. Meaning, you better get rid of all that semen in your sac so that fresh new semen can replace it, especially if you’re trying for a baby. Frequent sex can keep sperm fresh by having sex at least once or twice a week, and not only during the time of your partner's ovulation.

The high sexual activity allows your body to release pheromones, the chemicals that enhance your sex appeal. The more sex you have, the stronger your desire will be to have sex with your partner again. Frequent sex and orgasm increase the levels of the hormone oxytocin allowing you to feel more empathically connected to your partner.

Lastly, frequent sexual intercourse can help improve your mood and relieve you of stress. The hormones that are getting released during sex can help alter your body's state, allowing you to feel relaxed, happy and sleepy.