What is a Medrep?

Many are still wondering kung ano ang trabaho ng isang Medrep. Here is the glamorous version. Kung alam lang nila na secretly, si Superman kayo.

Medical Representatives, or Medreps for short, is a person employed by pharmaceutical companies to persuade doctors to prescribe their drugs to patients. Medreps relay the drug's features and benefits to physicians, They also share results of various clinical studies pertaining to a disease, as well as the role of the drugs they are promoting in that disease. Medreps arrange product presentation or scientific discussion to physicians.

And hindi lang yan, marami pa! Specially dito sa Pilipinas, may mga masisipag na Medrep na they will go the extra mile para lang makuha ang reseta. Medreps will go on extreme lenghts like, driving the doctor and/or his family like an Uber driver. They bring them food whenever the physician says they are hungry, parang Food Panda. At marami pang iba.

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