The People in the Territory

Outside the company, the recipient of your products and services, the patients, are the most important. At least in the true sense of the word ethical marketing is concerned. Since we are dealing with lives, our job is to provide the decision makers (physicians) with accurate information about the drug that we promote so that they can properly administer it to their patients. Back then, the power of deciding which medicine to take rests on the Physicians. But now, with the advent of patent expiration of most popular drugs and the introduction of its generic
yet equally potent copies, patients can choose which brand suits to their needs.

Before you get to the doctors, you will encounter them. They are the Medical Secretary. Their job is to facilitate doctor-patient consultation. And yes, they serve as your gateway to your customer. Sometimes, they have can decide who to cover and when to cover. It is much better to establish a good rapport with them because you may need their help in the future. They might give their boss, the doctor, a good word or two about you. Some Med Reps gives a gift, token or gimmicks to these secretaries. That is one good strategy to win their hearts.

Out in the field, you will encounter other Med Reps from other companies, local and multinational, that may be your direct competitor. As with this business, interpersonal and relationship skills plays a big role. It is not just you are competing with the product that they are carrying, you are competing with the doctor’s attention as well. Allowing Med Reps to cover the physicians in between patient consultations allows the physicians to vent some stress by taking their minds off momentarily from what they are doing. What do you think will happen if the next Med Rep that covers him has no pleasing personality?

Whenever you visit a drugstore to check the movement of your products, the people you will encounter are the pharmacy assistants or clerks. Relationship skills are important when you deal with them. They may choose not to entertain you if you have no pleasing personality at all. They have the right to discriminate; after all, they have better things to do. But they are very important. If you have established a good relationship with them, they may help you push your product or exchange the brand of your competitors to yours. The same thing with their supervisor, pharmacist or owner: these are the decision makers. They decide if they will order from you and what quantity.