Becoming a leader

To lead is not an easy task. You carry all the weight of the team to ensure your group's success. There is no such thing as a successful leader if you have a mediocre team or your team produce mediocre results. Some people wanted to become leaders because it greatly feed their egos. While some are just natural born leaders, without them knowing it.

But in today's professional environment, it is just natural for a Medrep to aspire greater things. When asked "how do you see yourself in the next five years?" the natural answer would be is to climb the leadership ladder within the organization.

Be a follower

If you want to lead others, you need to be a good example. And having the discipline to carry yourself as you want your counterparts to do. And that begins with learning to become a good follower. Yes, the District Manager is in charge, not you. Knowing and understanding your role within your district will help you understand the other's role as well. You can demonstrate the trait by always listening to instructions, become a contributor to the group's goal, and by being committed to the group.


While each person may have different characteristics, there are specific traits that attract other people. Who they are and what they stand for are just some of the traits people want to listen and respect. Leaders who exhibited humility, compassion, and courage are trusted by their peers. Because these leaders know how to accept responsibility for their actions, and people know that the leader got their back. The leader also has the courage to stand up on what is right and the courage to accept defeat.


To become a good leader, one must know how to communicate effectively. There is no need to choose complicated words that can only be found in the dictionary.  In order to communicate effectively, one must be clear and concise. Words need not be preachy or intimidating. Communicate thing factually, short and sweet, so as not to waste anybody's time, but you also need to qualify if you get the message across.

Be an example

Be on time during meetings, submit your reports on time, and volunteering to provide market insights are just some of the examples where you can exhibit how you can lead by example. Being a senior Medrep, you have to become a good example among your juniors. You also need to exhibit confidence in how you communicate yourself to people, including management. Your body language will also need to match.

Inspire others

As a leader, you are in the best position to influence others, for them to aspire to become better themselves. If they are happy in their jobs and professional life, it means that they do not have problems with their leader. But in no means that you must show that you are perfect. Nobody's perfect, but seeing you aspiring to become a good leader and to elevate the whole team is inspiration enough for your co-Medreps follow your good example.